Notable Neighbors: Emily Adji & Kaitlin Stern

NMS has a way of making a lasting impression on our students. I know this first hand, as the memories of my very first music class with Julia Blue-Raspe more than 40 years ago still swim around in my mind.

It was here at NMS that I first marched to the beat of music and where music came alive. I was so excited to return nine years ago to help guide others on their own inspiring NMS journey.

Today we highlight Emily and Kaitlin, two members of our community who have also been inspired to return.

Noah Bloom

Executive Director

When we open our doors again on September 8, you’ll meet the newest member of our team: Student Services Coordinator Emily Adji.

Emily first came to NMS when she was seven years old, and stayed until she left for college. After graduating from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst with a BA in English, she is back at NMS, welcoming students and families at our front desk.

As a student at NMS, Emily studied violin with Bobi Evrova. She also participated in a variety of classes and ensembles.

“I participated in almost every class that was available to violin students: Suzuki group classes with Carl Shugart and Jody Rowitsch, Baroque Ensemble with Grace Feldman, music theory with Jody Rowitsch, Greater New Haven Concert Orchestra with Marvin Warshaw, and Greater New Haven Youth Orchestra with Netta Hadari and Thomas Duffy.”

Emily’s siblings followed in her footsteps.

“My sister and my brother have both studied at NMS since they were young. My sister, Audrey, started learning guitar with Myron Radawiec and then switched to cello with Rebecca Patterson. We spent a few years together in the same orchestra. My brother, Bayu, started recorder in kindergarten with Sarah Jane Chelminski and later began violin with Bobi Evrova. Both of them have been a part of the DELTA program and joined orchestra as well as group classes.”

Emily is thrilled to be back at the place that has been such an important part of her life.

“One of my favorite memories was the day I performed my senior recital in the Recital Hall. I remember I had to choose the pieces and put together a program for my hour-long recital. The pieces ranged across different time periods: one piece was the first movement to Bach’s Sonata in G-minor and another piece was Debussy’s string quartet in G-minor. It was definitely a unique program. Ultimately, the feeling of finishing all the years I spent at NMS strong was such a proud moment for me.

“I’m glad to be back at NMS, this time working behind the scenes rather than as a student. I can definitely say that being a student here has helped with my position a ton, knowing the teachers and about the programs that go on here. I can’t wait for the school to be open and running in person again.”

We can’t wait for you to meet Emily!

NMS harp faculty member Kaitlin Stern grew up taking lessons at NMS. She was thrilled to join our faculty in 2018.

“I’ve enjoyed passing on my knowledge to the next generation of harpists,” said Kaitlin.

In this video, Kaitlin introduces herself and discusses her approach to teaching:

Here, Kaitlin demonstrates how to play a glissando on the harp. As Kaitlin describes it, a glissando is “the sound the harp is probably most well-known for.” Enjoy this mini-lesson: